
At work… it’s Amelia, at home… it’s Pru

“It was so scary! It said the internet was down, that I didn’t have access! And I couldn’t email and I could browse the web, and yet I was still chatting! I was chatting with DrinkJack… or was I dreaming? Could I have been dreaming? A booze induced dream from the Brutal Fruit I just drank?”


“But then…. but then, I restarted, and it all came back. And then it went away…then I repaired permissions… and it’s back

“Only one bottle? God you suck when you are drinking.”

“Hey… don’t put limitations on my suckage like that… I suck ALL THE TIME. Perfectly sober!”

“’nuff said?”

“who’s a baby kitty? you are! you’re my fluffy baby kitty!!”

“shut up.”

“come on… whooooo’s your mommy? WHO. IS. YOUR. MOMMY?”

evildeb, work

Update on mental status

It’s ok… everything is going to be fine, you guys… it was a rough morning… Deb was sobbing and I was punching myself in the head with my own fists… but everything is ok because I had a good cheeseburger for lunch, I’m listening to Venus* from Holst’s The Planets, and our boss just gave us some really good tequila, from her trip to Mexico. You can’t even taste it in my orange-cranberry juice concoction. I have invented a drink I intended to call the Hamilton. But instead, because of it’s appearance, I have named it The Bomit.

I warned them… I said, you don’t want me to have any tequila, seriously…. but would they listen?

*Venus is my planet. Because I’m a Libra. Do you know what that means? It means I was born between September. 23rdish and October 22ndish, that’s what it means.


Amelia feels your pain

Dude, I have been on the phone nonstop this morning… no kidding… it’s NUTS!

“I know I am dangerously close to nuts from listening to him make all those phone calls.”

“It’s true, you are. Who is that girl sobbing on the floor?”

“Well, Amelia, that’s Evildeb, and she’s already gone around the corner from nuts to looney. I’d better take her outside for a walk.”

“I think so… I think she might bomit.”

50 Word Fictions

Heads up regarding 50 fiction

Hi, this week’s theme is going to take some prep, because I am opening it up to you guys to start it off. This week I thought we could do a 50 word fiction daisy chain, each post adds on to the previous post, to make one überstory. In 50 word increments.

I could start this off myself, but I thought that maybe someone else would want to write the initial 50 words… anyone up for it? Email me if you want to be the instigator of this party, and I will post the first one late Thursday night, although I will change the post time to make it look like Friday because I cheat like that.
