books, macs, work

To clarify…

the monkee will be moving in July. I only have to make it half way through the summer and then everything will be fine. Sure, I have NIN blasting in my ears and I can still hear him, but only until July. So…. no worries everyone. It will be dealt with.

In other news, I know have a plug-in that allows me to control my iTunes from within Adobe InDesign. How cool is that? And it’s free! I love it when people make stuff like that. It makes me all giddy. If I were a puppy my tail would be wagging.

And, if you are anything like me [and I hope for your sake you are not], you are going to want to go read this interview with Bruce Campbell right away. I hope he tours for his new book “Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way.” I have such pleasant memories of his book reading/signing for “If Chins Could Kill.” And, per the instructions he wrote in my copy of the book, I have been attempting to stay groovy ever since.
