books, macs

I think so, Brain, but where are we gonna find a tattoo parlor that’s open at this time of night?

I had a lovely email discussion the other day with Chris about books. The recommendations were flying fast and furious, I know I put some books on my reserve list at the library already. I’m going to have to review those emails and make myself a little list. Anyway, the point is, one of the books was available yesterday. [ “The Sparrow : A Novel” (MARY DORIA RUSSELL), in case you are curious. ] Since I had finished The Shadows of the Wind book, I scampered on down there to get it. But it seems that somewhere between the arrival of the book, the updated status in my account, and my scampering, the book disappeared. And I just looked at that librarian with frustration and thought ” Cmd+F! Cmd+F! come on… Cmd+F The Sparrow, it’s gotta be here somewhere!” [that would be Control+F for you Windows users.]

That is what the computer has done to me. When I can’t find things, my mind instantly thinks “Cmd+F” and I’m always so disappointed with my brain remembers that life does not work like the Mac OS. More’s the pity. Am I the only one who does this? Have you ever done something and then instantly thought “Cmd+Z” because you wanted to undo it, to take it back?


8 thoughts on “I think so, Brain, but where are we gonna find a tattoo parlor that’s open at this time of night?

  1. Jodi says:

    yeah.. on the mac the equivalent of ctrl+alt+del is cmd+option+esc. There may be times when I wanted to end some tasks.

  2. I am all over the screen saver gaze. Eyes glassing over, mind roaming all over the www in such of the perfect “it”, then WHAM, someone touches my mouse and I am back.

  3. Amanda says:

    Hello, I have no idea who you are. I googled the lines …
    “I want to eat your face. It could just be so yummy. I’d like to have your face, in my tummy.”
    trying to find what that movie’s name was and I was brought to a post you made with that line. And if you could pleeeeease tell me the name of the movie I would love you. I saw this space movie a long time ago and I cant remember the name of it at all now, but I remember the alien monster thing singing that song.

  4. i don’t think i’ve ever thought in computer shortcut before. but lately, i’ve been wanting to hit the instant replay button like i have on my tivo remote. i’ll miss what someone said on the radio and i’ll want to hit the rewind button. i’ll overhear a conversation across the hall and what sounded like ‘that’s a nice crack you have’ and i’ll think, ‘that can NOT be what he just said’ and i’ll want to rewind the conversation so i can listen closely this time and then i’ll remember, with disappointment, that real life doesn’t have an instant replay button. bummer that.

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