
Book and design stuff

I’ve been very bad about updating my books I am reading section. As well as the books I’ve read page. I just updated that with 4 books I’ve recently finished. And added a book down below that I am about to start: The Historian. I’m also re-reading a book I love:

“Bird by Bird : Some Instructions on Writing and Life” (Anne Lamott)

I’m sure if I talk up this book one more time… well, just take my word for it. Even if you don’t write, it’s delightful.

I have one final thing to tweak with the redesign, and I cannot figure it out. It’s driving me nuts. But if you go to any category archive page, you can see the titles and underlines do not behave as other pages. Even the they all use the same styles. I really cannot figure it out. It’s driving me batty.

And with that, I will take my batty brain to bed.


Amelia and the Phonetic Code

“What?! You are kidding me! Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot!”

Amelia: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Me: I don’t know….

Amelia: W T F

Me: Ohhh! What the Fuck. That must his way of saying “What the fuck?”

Amelia: Sierra! Hotel! Uniform! Tango!

Me: Uniform! Papa!

Amelia: hee! Uniform papa.

VERY IMPORTANT NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: The monkee will be moving…. tomorrow!!

I do think I am moved to do a little dance!
