
If I felt a need for speed, it would be more than 27 mph.

I got a speeding ticket on the way to work today. I’d only been on the road for about 3 minutes, I was matching the speed of the cars on the road, and it wasn’t fast, or so I thought. I’m not that bright first thing in the morning. It went something like this.

Cop: Hi, pulled you over because you were going 27 in a school zone. Were you aware of your speed?

Me: uhhh…. speed?

Cop: Do you know the speed limit when children are present?

Me: errrr…. children?

Cop: That’s right, it’s 20 mph when children are present.

Me: hee! kids are funny!

Cop: Do you have a driver’s license, miss?

Me: DO YOU HAVE A 44 OUNCE DR. PEPPER? Because I’ll trade you!!
