
I’ve been to several parties with no pickles … and not one of them was any fun.

Normally I avoid posting on Fridays, so as not to distract from the spectacle that is that day’s 50 word fiction post, which is right down there, but enough people have said to me, today, “Jodi… what did you find yourself in the middle of, for pete’s sake?” that I am going to post a third time. And the answer is this: it doesn’t matter. Because that sort of nonsense can only bother you so long. Especially in a world of people who “get” all the right things. Finding out that it’s not only your old friends, but your new ones as well who understand that incoherent joke about pickles. Hearing someone tell you they are finally freed from their indentured servitude and will be returning to their normal job of paying attention to you next week. And people who tell you stories that make this picture amusing.


And last, but certainly not least, finding some spanking new music, including songs about monkeys!

That’s right, I said MONKEYS!


Darling Nikkie: Revisited

I’m a little blue this morning. Sometimes I get myself mixed up in things I am not even aware of, and when the dust settles and all parties are settled, I’m standing alone in the dust wondering what happened and why I am the one left out in the cold. Now, totally manageable situation, because I’m not really out in the cold in life. But if you spend a few hours listening to incredibly beautiful, but incredibly sad, music, you can come to believe that you are.
So I decided, no more Damien Rice today…. I simply cannot take it. And somehow, I stumbled upon the perfect antidote. Completely by accident.
This song is available from their website for download. But I have a feeling I am going to need more than one song.
Darling Nikki – Asylum Street Spankers

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 23

Or as Loon likes to call it, FWFF. She even made a little badge! And I stole it. You can steal it too. It’s free!!


This week’s theme is waiting.

Kitty Karma

“I’ve given it some thought… I’m not as good as I could be. It’s quite possible I won’t be reincarnated as a human.”

“No? What are you coming back as?”

“Probably.. a cat.”

“Why wait?” He opened his arms, she crawled onto his lap and purred.
