
Urgant Birthday Update

Tessa and Louise just called from work to sing Happy Birthday to me. And to inform me that apparently, ironically, someone is attempting to share my birthday with me. It would appear that THE MONKEE claims today as his birthday as well. Yes! It’s true. I didn’t believe them at first, but I guess it’s true.

It doesn’t matter, I had it first. They say he’s younger than me. When I am done squeezing whatever birthday joy there is in this day, he can have what is left.

I wonder if anyone has told Amelia.


Happy My Birthday to Everyone!


I’ve taken this week off from work. I’ve also taken it off from getting dressed, replying to emails, blogging, brushing my hair, getting up before noon, answering the telephone and generally acknowledging any kind of responsibilities. I’ve been very busy. Doing things like sleeping in, buying a vacuum, hanging out with my little brother, hooking myself up with wireless internet connection, watching movies, playing the sims, reading comics and other important things. And today I will bother to get dressed. Because tonight we’ll be having birthday pie!

I am quite sure that I woke up with some extra maturity and wisdom this morning. I just don’t think it’s kicked in yet.
