Amelia, evildeb, work

Amelia learns our private shame.

Amelia: What is wrong with The New Kid?

Me: Paco? He’s drunk.

Amelia: I thought you all were in a meeting… how did he get drunk?

Me: It was a Happy Birthday to Those with Birthdays in Oct. and Nov. Meeting.

Amelia: Like you.

Me: Yes, and Tessa, Dr. Stevil, others. But it was a Cake and Margarita party.

Amelia: Cake and Margaritas, do they go well together?

Me: Not really, but everyone seemed to like it. I had a diet pepsi. Our boy Paco here is a light weight.

Amelia: He’s damn near hysterical, I fail to see what’s so amusing.

Me: He just told me I was cool, like Evildeb. We were equal levels of cool, but it’s a HIGH level of cool.

Amelia: Shows you what he knows.

I have decreed a new decree… from now on, we get Paco drunk at least once a week. Preferably on a Friday afternoon, as it’s a perfect excuse to quit working, for he is just delightful in his mirth. He simultaneously celebrated Evildeb’s coolness factor and her retardedness quotient. And pronounced her GREAT. I warned him I was going to blog him, I told him… but he was too busy explaining to spyware on his computer how he was going to combat it. And a trip of the men’s bathroom recovered the following fact: it smells pooey. Delightful!
