
Gorgeosity has no price

I don’t know if you are noticing a theme here. A shopping, spending money theme. It’s usually a symptom of someone who is bored, or in a rut. Which I am. However, it’s not my fault that I keep stumbling across things that need to be mine. Remind me to tell you about the Sanyo Xacti C6 I am going to need very very badly, when it’s released in the US, later. [it comes in red!]

So, I bought the shoes, but they were not that expensive. Pretty cheap, actually. And I was showing Mr. Moon the Manga Death statue I was going to want in my new home, when I move…. sometime this year. No sense in getting it now, when most things are packed away. [I also like the porcelain Death statue, in case, when the time comes, anyone is looking for a house warming gift for me.] And then, I came across something …. so beautiful… I am still weeping. The Vertigo Tarot deck.

As you may, or may not, know, I collect tarot decks. I just get the ones that appeal to me, usually for the art or tone of the deck. This would be a personal jewel in the crown of a merely adequate collection. I don’t do it for money. I take the cards out of the box, spread them around, look at them and enjoy them. I’m not one of those girls who can leave an action figure in it’s shrink wrapped condition my whole life, you know? This deck is, apparently, hard to find. I can find it on ebay, and if I want the first edition, which comes in the coolest box with hard cover book and why would I not want the first edition, I can have it now. for $225. Holy Major Arcana! That’s a level of tarot collecting I have not entered yet. I haven’t delved into the rare and hard to find. I just collect what I find organically. Usually in a store somewhere. [With the exception of the Edward Gorey Tarot, which are ridiculously rare and probably even more ridiculously expensive. So, even tho I occasionally look for them, as a lark, I probably would not be able to afford them.] But how cool would that be? Answer: so cool.

I have to apologize for the quality of blog posts lately. They’ve been, in my mind, unusually dull. I’m not fishing for compliments. I’m just stating I haven’t been very inspired. And nothing much has happened to me lately, to reflect upon. I wrote something last night, about the 12th anniversary of my father’s death. Which was Monday, but it was depressing. And not really all that good. Depressing is fine, if it’s a good post. But it wasn’t. And it made me all weepy. So I didn’t post it. Things should pick up, in February. I have plans in February. If nothing else, some of these plans might make for good blog fodder. In the mean time, we’ll have to just keep shopping, ok?
