
Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He’s got his crust all stiff and upper with that nancy boy accent. You Englishmen are always so… bloody hell!

Oh kids, the most amazing and wondrous thing happened on Saturday. It was a day in which I won, and Louise lost. We went down to the Seattle Mystery Bookshop to have books signed by Robert Crais, who writes a favorite mystery/crime series of mine. And you know what? He didn’t notice her accent! He didn’t comment or gush or propose or even acknowledge it. The words “darling” and “accent” did not leave his mouth. And, even though he is a handsome handsome man, as it is now, and a fav writer of mine, already, I love him all the more now. For breaking her streak. Seriously, she was getting a little cocky. A little humility looks good on her. And the day was not a complete waste. Some, seemingly, homeless men told her she had beautiful hair as we walked by. I almost said thank you. One of the few physical compliments I get in life is on my hair, occasionally my smile or my eyes, but usually my hair. And it was down and curling nicely that day. But it’s a pretty safe bet that if a bunch of guys in an alley yell out a compliment like “you have beautiful hair” and you are walking by with Louise, it’s for her. She has long wavy dark blond hair that goes down past her butt. The bitch. Instead, I just told her to thank them. Which she did. In her darling accent.
