Me: I’m going to clean my cube today.
Amelia: I’ve heard that one before.
Me: Shut up.
Amelia: About twice a month, since you put me up.
Me: Well… I’m easily distracted!
Amelia: By shiny objects… dull objects… dust motes…. sun beams… oxygen molecules. When aren’t you distracted?
Me: uuhhhhh…..
So… who do you think will win this contest? Me? or Amelia?
In an unrelated note, I had my blond updated. I’m now blonder but with temporarily straight hair. She always straightens it for me, and I make it last as long as I can. It feels so much longer like this. I keep flicking it back behind my shoulder. Either with my hand, or with a head flick. I feel like Cher. When it’s curly, I’m more apt to compulsively shove it behind my ears. Also, when it’s been straightened, I pet my own head a lot. It’s just so smooth and soft!!