
But Henry, we haven’t any porridge for Goldilocks, only these old carrots.

Ok, so here is something we haven’t talked about. I’ve been on a diet the last five or so weeks. The reason I didn’t mention it earlier is because I don’t particularly care to diet. It’s annoying. The first three days of the diet I was pissed off and going through Dr. Pepper withdrawal. Also, I don’t intend to turn this into a diet blog. But, you know… it’s what’s going on, so…

It’s been going pretty well. I’ve lost 13.5 lbs so far. Half a pound more and I’ve officially lost a “stone” as Louise would say. Today I wore pants that have been too tight for a while. And people started to notice. I’ve been doing the Weight Watchers, counting up points. I’ve come up with lots of little tricks to get buy. I still get some Dr. Pepper every once in a while. [3 points in 12 oz.] I drink so much water, I probably slosh when I walk. And I pretty much live on lean cuisine pizzas. [8 points], because they are good… enough. Oh, and all those snacks that come in 100 calorie packs? Those rock. I’ve eaten more carrots in the past five weeks than I’ve eaten in the five years before them.

I’m doing this diet online, I’m not attending any of those meetings. The last thing I want is discuss something as annoying as dieting with a bunch of strange women. [mostly women at least]. I don’t want to share my feelings… that would be gross. I don’t want to give the whole process more attention than I have to.

But, that being said, right now, I’d kill for some Ben and Jerry’s. Seriously. K-I-L-L.
