
The kids are on my side.

I feel bad. I can tell from my stats that people check the jodicam, only to be disappointed (I assume) by the lack of onlineness. The thing is, I have not been computing in the office lately, where the jodicam is set up. I’ve been laptop mobile. Additionally, Wil and I have recently discovered the genius that is Skype. I knew about it before, but lately we have been voice chatting over the internet instead of using the phone. And if you’ve ever made long distance calls to Canada from the states, you know that FREE is good. I’ve been using the iSight as a microphone, which keeps it from acting as the jodicam. But, Thursday afternoon I am working from home, so I might have it up and running then. And tomorrow evening I will probably be cleaning the office to make room for working from home, so maybe I’ll have it online while I clean. Won’t that be exciting for everyone involved.

Have ya’ll heard of Vox? It’s Six Apart’s new blog community. Six Apart being the makers of MovableType, which I use to write this blog. I believe it’s in some sort of beta right now. You can only sign up by receiving an invitation. Of course, all you have to do is ask for one, I believe. However, you can also get one from other vox members. I have some if any of you are interested. Check it out. It’s quite nice. Especially if you don’t want to mess with the design and layout aspects very much. They make it very easy to add books, music, videos, pictures, etc. Nicer, and prettier, than myspace, by a way lot.

Anyway, Wil’s latest blog is on Vox. And he is enjoying it quite a bit. He’s on a mission to collect more “neighbors.” Sort of the classier equivalent to myspace friends. I only have two neighbors. Him, and the Vox team. I don’t really know what to do with my vox page right now. I thought about making it some kind of theme blog. For example, if i were pregnant, it could be a pregnancy blog, Separate from my “regular” blog. But I don’t have any real themes to write about. I thought about making it a book blog, but I should be using Satan’s Bookclub for that. I don’t have it all figured out.

I was pointing out, during a skype chat, that all of Wi’s “friends” [Vox neighgors], for the most part, almost exclusively, are women. Not a jealous thing… just an observation. He said, “Yes, but I talked about you a lot today. I posted about you” And from elsewhere in the room I heard the voice of his daughter, aged 8 – or perhaps her sister, aged 7 – say “He talks about you ALL THE TIME!! ALL THE TIME!”

Thanks, kids…. good to know. Five American dollars for both of you.
