photo, tshirts

What’s on Jodi’s t-shirt today?

Again. Because my Photo Booth is working, I guess.

Photo 49

I got this t-shirt at the Northern Voice blogging conference last month, which was pretty fun. I finally met Airdre in person, after reading her blog for a long time and I met a completely new person named Catherine, who gets to play WoW at her job. On purpose! We are going to meet for coffee someday.

Airdre has a podcast called Lipgloss and Laptops, and consequently gets lots of free product. Last week when we met for drinks, she brought me a bag full of MAC products. It was like Christmas! Anyway, if you like beauty products, you should give it a listen.


Photobooth fails to recognize external iSight camera after installing Leopard.

I rarely complain when something goes wrong with my mac. Maybe because it’s rare for something to go wrong. Or maybe it’s because I can figure it rather quickly, so there is no time for a rant. But ever since installing Leopard, I have not been able to use my external iSight camera in Photobooth. It would not recognize it. Just gave me a black background with a “Camera Off”message. Since I can use it for iChat and for the webcam, I knew this was not the case.

Sometimes I could make it work by restarting my mac. About 50% of the time. However, if I closed the application, it would not work when I re-launched. It was frustrating and it’s been going on for months. Could not figure it out.

In researching an application that would allow me to color correct from within aps that use the iSight, I discovered iGlasses. It is only $9.95 and actually does other things I wanted, like rotate the image, for one. So I bought it, installed it and BLAMMO, now Photobooth works every time.

Go figure. I don’t know why, and you shouldn’t have to buy something to make it work. However, I’m just putting it up here so if anyone else is doing a search on the same problem, they might come across this and see how I fixed it. It was supremely annoying. I even wrote a complete and proper issue statement for my blog title. Hee!

Photo 51



I get hits on the webcam page, and I feel bad because it’s never on. It’s on now, although I cannot promise I’ll be in front of it if you look… I’m seriously thinking about contemplating scheduling some times to consider doing the dishes.

Anyway, if you are all up in the twitter, I’ll try to remember to send a tweet when I turn it on.



Which I got from Hilly. It looked fun. Different.

Here’s how it works:

1. Go to

2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box

3. Use only the first page

4. Insert the picture into your Blog

1.) What is your relationship status?


2.) What is your current mood?


3.) Who is your favorite band/artist? (I don’t have just one, so I picked the first of my favorites to show up in iTunes)

Neko Case - Blacklisted

4.) What is your favorite movie?


5.) What kind of pet do you have?


6.) Where do you live?


7.) Where do you work?


8.) What do you look like?


9.) What do you drive?


10.) What did you do last night?

Airdre Apache sire of Bellaire

(that is misleading. I did not go horseback riding. I am afraid of horses. Good luck figuring this one out.)

11.) What is your favorite TV show?


12.) Describe yourself.


13.) What are you doing today?

no loafing

14.) What is your name?


15.) What is your favorite candy?

Negative Peanut Butter Twix


Important question

I was just watching 60 Minutes and I have an important question. Why don’t old men trim their eyebrows when they grow enormous and bushy? I have no idea what Andy Rooney was saying because I was too distracted, unpleasantly so, by the ginormous bushy eyebrows on his face.

Why why WHY??


I have more potential than this.

I’m tired today. Emotionally tired. There are times I feel like my only purpose is to clean and procure more food stuffs. Nobody wants or needs anything else from me. Expectations are low. The return is even lower. I’m defeated.

I’m in a bad mood. In fairness, maybe I should mention that it’s possibly a tiny bit hormone fueled. But I don’t think that should invalidate the feelings themselves.

It’s ok, tho. Real Genius is coming on the tv in a half an hour and I just bought a new box of Safeway brand Strawberry Frozen Yogurt dipped in Dark Chocolate bars. Who could fail to be cheered by that?


Daylight Savings Time broke my blog

Ok, maybe not. But losing an hour bugs me. And having it so early in the year still feels like a bad idea to me. I don’t like it. April and October, that’s how god intended it to work.

It was actually I who broke my blog. More specifically I broke my MovableType trying to upgrade it. So if you tried to leave a comment yesterday, and could not, I apologize. They should be working now. My web hosting service, Living Dot, fixed it for me.

Nonetheless, DST in early March is just wrong.


Action Plan

A few weeks ago, Roland asked me to fill out his Action Plan. (It took me a while, sorry, Rols.) Perhaps he is trying to pry me away from my television set? Cheeky.

1: Name three things about yourself you would like to improve:

– I procrastinate too much and I am very lazy. This means I don’t accomplish a lot of things I would like to accomplish. I’ve been unemployed for a year now and I really don’t have much to show for it. Which is a shame.

– I wish I spoke a second language fluently.

– I’d like to have more confidence about my writing. Oh, and I’d like to play the cello for reals.

2: Name something you would like to achieve:

a) Within 1 year: Finish a story/book

b) Within 5 years: buy a house

c) Within 10 years: Well, by then I hope to have several published books to my credit. And a swing for the front porch on that house I bought 5 years ago.

3: Name something you would like to help achieve for somebody else:

I would like to be happy, healthy and safe for my mom’s sake. Sure, I’d like it for myself too, it’s a win-win really. But I know that happy, healthy, safe and content children would give my mom a great deal of peace. It’s the least I can do, right?

4: Name one place you haven’t been, but you’d like to go:


5: Name one person you haven’t met, but would like to:

My new cous-n’phew Julian. I haven’t been able to travel to the states since he was born last fall

6: Name three material things you would like:

a). a house

b). an iPhone

c). a pet dolphin. The dolphin will need a pretty amazing dolphin habitat as well, so I’ll need one of those.
