
Today is a test

Just when I was getting ready to be all grateful and positive and shit, someone broke into my car and stole my iPod. And Wil’s phone. I know… I know, I never should have left it down there. Normally I do not. They were not in sight, at least.
Sadly, neither one of them are covered by my auto insurance. The window is, but I will have to try to convince them they need to just reimburse me, rather than try to send one of their guys out. Since I am in Canada and all. The paint damage will have to wait until I can go back down to the states.
So, how to be grateful and positve about this? Well, I have a car in the first place. A really great car that runs top notch, has a sun roof, and is completely paid for. I’m so grateful for that. And I have the cash to pay for the window. So that’s nice. And on the positve side, Wil hated his phone, but we had no practical reason to replace it. Now we do. And I hated that window, it was always smudgy. It had fingerprints and a bad attitude.
Guh. I’m trying here.
