books, movies and tv

Unlike profiling serial killers, writing is a lonely and depressing profession.

I finished reading Poppy Brite’s Exquisite Corpse last night. Kinda wished I had started on one of her other books, for an introduction to her stuff. This book was not scary, to me, but it was very disturbing. And very gory. I can handle gore, but this sort of went over the top for me. It quickly made me numb, and by the end of the book, while I was still icked out, I was thinking “yeah yeah… have sex with a corpse, ok… sure, fry his thigh and make a sandwich, good thinking.” Silly serial killers. I never felt the fear of the victims, so it failed to grip me. It did, however, prevent me from eating anything while reading. Still, I’ll probably give her other books a try later. Much later. After my stomach has settled.
I’m going to see a movie tonight called What the #$@! Do We Know. I’m really looking forward to it. I really don’t know how to describe it, you should go to the website. But it’s got quantum physics in it. I love physics. Don’t know anything about it, or often understand it, but I find it fascinating. And it’s got stuff about the brain. I love stuff about the brain. Anyway, it’s supposed to “rock my world” and I am really excited about that. Mr Moon knows someone that has seen it 8 times. Maybe it hypnotizes you! While it rocks your world. I don’t know. We’ll see. I’ll let you know.
