
Boxing Day – I think that means there will be punching.

Canadians are so nice. On Christmas day, the ferry ticket guy gave me a candy cane and a free one way walk on ferry ticket Yesterday morning. Then, inside the terminal, the general goods store, which was one of the stores open at 7:30 xmas morning, gave me free candy bars.

I felt bad. Here they are, working on Christmas, and they are giving me the presents. I didn’t get them anything.


6 thoughts on “Boxing Day – I think that means there will be punching.

  1. Hi! I popped over from Fahrenheit’s site.
    Did you smile at them? Then you gave them a better present than they gave you. So there! 😉
    Cool name for a blog, by the way

  2. Fahrenheit519 says:

    I once spent a week in Vancouver with my housemate TRYING to find a rude Canadian. We ALMOST thought we found one in the snooty coat check girl at the Limelight (or something like that) but she said thank you when we collected our gear, so we were again thwarted. Still looking for one.

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