
Thursday’s Child has far to go…

“Oh ye of little faith”

“What? What are you talking about, I’m full of faith. I’ve got faith up to my freakin’ eyeballs.”

“Are you sure that’s faith you are full of?”

“Well, it sure as hell ain’t grace.”

“I think you are very graceful… as long as you are not walking.”


A week or so ago, I fell down some stairs on my way down to pay the pizza man, in my socky feat. It was only a couple of stairs, as the stairs stop after about 3 and then turn to the right. Had I lost complete control, I would have just hit the wall, not fallen all the way down the stairs or anything. Instead I just bruised my butt. Hence my understandable concern about the branches on my roof, which have been there since the big storm. Now that the snow has finally gone, I’m “hoping” for a nice day sometime next week, so I can clean up the branches still in the driveway. But … the ones on the roof… I’m not so sure about. Most people agree that it would be a BAD IDEA for me to get up on the roof.

I think I would be ok once I got up on the roof. But transferring myself from the ladder to the roof, or worse, back onto a rickety ladder… those are the moments that I’d probably topple. So the real question is… those branches aren’t hurting anything are they?


5 thoughts on “Thursday’s Child has far to go…

  1. And the burning question is… did you fall before or after being handed the pizza? (I’m assuming before, but it’s funny to imagine).
    The roof is scary. In the military town where I grew up, a lot of the bungalows had flat roofs, so after a big snowfall people had to get up there and shovel them off to prevent potential collapse. That was scary. Stay off the roof, Jodi!

  2. stairs are evil!! and therefore so are ladders, so i’d avoid those if at all possible. i like drinkjack’s suggest. hire a neighbor kid to defy gravity.
    hope you’re butt’s feeling better 🙂

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