
I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button which I never did before but sort of enjoyed.

I spent some more time and money at Linens N’ Things today. I bought some cool kitcheny things that are silicon and collapse and I think fall under the category of “Only Jodi will think this is cool, Wm could care less.” My main mission was a new shower head.

The water pressure in our shower is AWESOME. Like, standing in front of a fire hose awesome, like my shower at home. I’m well pleased with that aspect. Unfortunately, it feels like standing in front of fire hose shooting sharp needles at your tender bits. I can handle it on the top of my head. And my back. But god forbid I forget to throw a protective arm across my breasts before turning around to face the water. So we needed to get a new shower head.

Wm: You should get one of those … you know…. [pantomimes holding a shower head in his hand, as he rinses off various body parts]

Me: Detachable Massaging Shower heads?

Wm: Yeah! I mean, for me, I could care less, but I know THE LADIES like them. [pantomimes holding shower head in hand, performing slightly more lewd showertime activities]

Me: Oh YOU… always thinking of others!


7 thoughts on “I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button which I never did before but sort of enjoyed.

  1. There is nothing like a shower massager and scalding hot water when you’ve got a case of poison ivy or an “All New Tide w/Febreze Added” -related skin rash.

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