
I’m, like, so whatever…

The other day I got my hair colored. I just wanted my blond fixed. It took three and a half hours. I know I have a lot of hair, but Sharyn could do do a full foil, haircut and straighten the whole mess in less time than that! I’ve never had anyone have to do my head in halves. My hair ended up darker, and the blond practically like silver stripes. Sounds cool, but not what I was looking for.Not at all what we talked about, either. However, it’s fine. As long as I’m not rooty in my picts, I’m ok with it. . But I guess I’m going to keep looking for a hair dresser. I don’t know if I’ll have time, on my wedding day, to wait for this girl to do an up-do. Plus, I think she was in the 9th grade like… last week.

While I was there, I had the honor of hearing Avril Lavigne’s “Girlfriend” not once, but twice. That brought the grand total of times I’ve heard that song to 2. But it stuck. Unfortunately. For days. The entire time we were in Victoria. I don’t know the words. All I would sing is “hey hey you you i don’t like your girlfriend!” And if I seemed to be getting over it, if I had not belted it out in the last 20 minutes or so, Wil would start off with “hey hey you you!” and I’d be trapped all over again.

Finally, another song replaced it. This is a video they have been playing before the trailers at the movies all summer. I’m going to be honest, the video confused and disturbed me. I don’t know why. And I figured this kid must have sold his soul to the devil to get the kinda deal he got, having his song played before every big summer movie in Canada. I assume all of Canada. I know it’s in BC at least. Well, it was until recently.

But when we saw the Transformers, this song was in the trailer for “Chuck and Larry.” And for some reason, now I like it. And I sing it all the time. But I don’t know the words to this one either, so I usually just bounce around and sing all the different colors I could be. I could be blue, I could be green, I could be cyan, I could be yellow.


5 thoughts on “I’m, like, so whatever…

  1. Hair Diva says:

    Well…..You could go visit that wonderful hair gal extradinaire when you’re in town, she’s had people from far greater distances go to her!Just a thought!

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