
As of Yesterday… I am the new 40.

This is what 40 looks like… when she’s lounging on the couch.


Don’t worry, 40 isn’t always so grainy, it’s the lighting.


Adjust your expectations accordingly.


10 thoughts on “As of Yesterday… I am the new 40.

  1. You’re FORTY? Seriously?
    Are you just having me on or something. Is the whole “I am the new forty” like some weird crazy thing for “I just turned 30 and want to be self depricating” because if it is CUT IT OUT.
    You look pretty damn good for thirty so if you’re forty you must in some way PRESERVE YOUR YOUTH BY DRINKING HUMAN BLOOD.

  2. Marie says:

    You did it! You found true love and happiness (and marriage), before 40! And may I say that 40 looks fabulous on you!
    Happy belated Birthday! =)

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