photo, tshirts, William

What’s On Jodi’s T-shirt Today – Familial Request Edition

Several days ago:

Wm: Why haven’t you done one of those “what’s on my tshirt” bloggy things with your new Frank Black tshirt.

Me: Probably because I haven’t worn it yet.

Wm: Well DO IT! Tonight!

But, because “obey” was not in our marriage vows, I took that order with a grain of salt. I planned on wearing it today anyway, but when I got out of the shower and he was cleaning the kitchen, I knew I had to wear it. I walked into the kitchen and pointed to my shirt.

Wm: There you go. Good [pointing towards my desk] DO IT!


Wil is something of a Pixies/Frank Black/Black Francis fanatic. Last fall we went to see his show, which was awesome, but they didn’t have shirts on sale. He found these on Frank Black’s website and I ordered them. Had to have them sent to my mom, and when they did not arrive in time for her last visit, he was extremely disappointed. But my mom is awesome, so she shipped them to us as soon as they got in, proving, once again, he is the luckiest son-in-law EVER.

Frank Black was playing here last night. Only I think he’s going by Black Francis again. It’s hard to keep track. But when I went to get tickets last month, he was sold out. In fact, in keeping with the “paper” theme of the first anniversary present, I was going to get us tickets to Frank Black and he was going to get us tickets to Chris Isaak (one of my favorites). Both were sold out.

I think the iPhone helped with my sadness. I’ll see you next summer, Chris.


I may have given you the wrong impression

The other day, a day I can’t link to because I am on my iPhone, I might have given you the impression that I was not blogging the last week or so because I was working so hard on my redesign.
I haven’t been blogging because all I’ve been doing is watching Veronica Mars DVDs and playing with my iPhone. Not a lot of fodder in that.
On the upside, I’ve greatly improved my speed on one thumb typing and won several games of very tiny mahjong.

blogging, books, movies and tv

Business Matters

I apologize, I’ve been more interested in working on my new blog design, then actually blogging. And I wish I could say that I’ve been working on it diligently. I was. But then I decided I needed to watch all three seasons of Veronica Mars again. It happens. At least we’ve had a run through all seasons of Buffy and Angel in the last year. And House. And BSG.

The fact is, I’ve changed my design three times since I’ve started. And while I’ve been spending most of my time on content and layout within MT4, I at least have to have a banner done, to keep in mind while I work. So I am now working on my third banner with built in roll over buttons. It’s so sad how much I have forgotten about Photoshop and Illustrator and such since I left my job. I used to be able to make a roll over button in my sleep. Well, just before I went to sleep maybe. Now I have to LOOK IT UP!.


I am updating my reading list over on the new design, I used to be really good at keeping track of my books. So I am working towards that again. I have also joined Good Reads, just haven’t bothered to add a button or link in the old design. Because I’m all about moving forward, baby. Anyhoo, be my book buddy if you are on Good Reads, won’t you please?


Just a small list… I could go on. And on.

For Meg Fowler, who is feeling broken.

Things I Love

Dr Pepper

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

gerber daisies

cherry pie

freshly laundered sheets

my iPhone

my cats

the laughs of babies

the smell of my new shampoo


Kermit the Frog

back to school clothes

back to school supplies

the back to school feeling of a clean slate

the dog whisperer


yoga pants from Lucy

my mom

the library

road trips

the san juan islands

movie posters

soft kleenix


my Keen’s shoes, all 3 pairs


my husband

blogging, even when I seem to ignore it

the sound of air conditioning

the sound of sprinklers

Grand Junction Colorado


getting stuff in the mail. not bills or flyers or such. real stuff from people I know.

OPI Double Decker Red nail polish

board games


Blogathon 2008

I knew it, I could tell yesterdays post was a bit cuter. I am in love with my new iPhone. Please pardon me if I send out extra tweets in the next couple of days while I’m out and about. I’ll get over it. Although… I do have unlimited evening and weekend minutes…. today is Saturday, right?

Please go visit Raul, at Hummingbird He is participating in Blogathon 2008, in support of the BC Cancer Agency. He asked me to guest post and I was honored. No one has ever asked me to guest blog before. And after reading the AMAZING guest posts he received from other people, I can kinda understand why.

Canada, William

Happy My Anniversary to You!

Some say, and by some I think it’s probably Hallmark, that the first wedding anniversary is the Paper Anniversary. But in this family, it’s the Electronic Anniversary.

We are sitting on the couch after our fancy dinner at Pinky’s Steakhouse, playing with Wil’s anniversary present. (It’s a PSP, in case you can’t tell) We are still on the waiting list for my present. Should have one by Tuesday. Black. 16GB. Oh yeah, you know what I’m getting.


Since it’s my anniversary, I just want to say, officially, my husband rocks and I loooOOOooove him to pieces.

Happy Anniversary, baby!

photo, tshirts

What’s On Jodi’s T-shirt Today?


I saw this shirt a long long time ago. I don’t know why I didn’t buy it immediately. Then I forgot where I saw it until, recently, Dooce talked about hers. I saw it on And now it is finally mine.

If you know me, you know this shirt is perfect for me. I was so excited. I had to have it shipped to the States, so I sent it to my mom’s house. I told her she could open it up when it got there because it was too funny. When she got it, she said to me that it was “funny because it’s your sense of humor.”

Wil: What did she say?

Me: She said it’s funny because it’s my sense of humor.

Wil: She doesn’t like it.

Me: Not as much as I do, no. This is the equivalent to your “That’s interesting.” when I am telling you a story.

She reminded me that my little vegan brother would probably hate it. As would other vegan and vegetarian friends of mine. Yes, I suppose. But they wouldn’t be surprised by it. The fact is, I’m a carnivore.


Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog

Joss Whedon’s “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog” is finally live. Act 1 was released today, and in a a show of awesomeness that one would expect from Joss Whedon, before the day was out it was viewable to the world at large. Not just the US. The fact that things are only viewable in the US drives me nuts. Now. It didn’t bother me at all when I lived in the US because I didn’t know how hard the rest of the world had it!

I’ve learned a lot this past year, haven’t I? Anyway… GO WATCH IT!


iPhone, but do you phone?

Well, there is lots of excitement and anticipation in the air as Apple releases their 3G iPhone on Friday. I don’t even know what 3G is, I just know it’s better. Many Americans and weighing their options, deciding whether or not to upgrade.

Here in Canada, it’s a bit different. First, the iPhone is coming to Canada for this first time. (I know some Canadians already have one, unlocked and working with their provider, but that’s different.) So… that’s exciting. But something is raining on the iPhone parade. Rogers Wireless. That is the service provider for the iPhone, here in Canada.

Traditionally, Canadians have one of the most expensive wireless plans in the world. Notoriously bad. I think that the hope was, as negotiations wore on between Rogers and Apple, the result would be improved rates all around, for everyone. However, a couple of weeks ago, Rogers released the iPhone plan pricing. And all hell broke loose. It sucks, to put it plainly.

The main things that I notice are – required 3 year contract and very limited data plan. Bad. Expensive. Unfair. You can read a more in depth analysis of the problem here. Canadians are in an uproar. Rogers now has a major PR problem. There are rumors that Apple is pissed, and has is diverting some of the shipment to Europe, because they anticipate poor sales. And people are not only planning to boycott the iPhone through Rogers, but they’ve started petitions as well.

I’ve been going back and forth about the iPhone. I want one. I really really really really want one. However, I don’t need one. And the plan upsets me. I’m on some kind of waiting list at a Roger’s outlet. But I honestly do not know what to do. I don’t think the rates are fair (do American cell phone companies charge a monthly $6.95 access fee? Or does this just seem outrageous to me?). And , when it boils right down to it, I don’t need to be spending money on such things.

But I want one. I really really really want one. Which side will win out? Hedonism or Practicality? You know me, what do you think?

Time will tell.

PS I really want one.

EDIT TO ADD. What I forgot to mention is, as bad as the Canadian plan is, Australia’s is actually worse. Where exactly does The Man live? Because I think we need to stick it to him on this.
