

For being such a super genius, I can sometimes be such a tard. There’s an option right there, that tells movable type NOT to rebuild my book page index when I am rebuilding the main index. Which means, you should no longer receive errors when you post comments. Hooray. It was right there in front of my face too. Sometimes it’s hard to see the simple through the genius.
Conversation with TheMan at work, during the design of birthday poster for M-roo.
Me: we can turn that into a giant sun.
TheMan: GENIUS!! Do you realize what a genius you are?
Me: actually… yes I do.
so humble.


Hola, mi tacos minúsculo del Internet!!

Lately, if you’ve attempted to comment on my blog [if so thank you, by the way] you may have received an error that contained text similar to this:

Build error in template ‘booklist’: Error in tag: Error reading XML content: syntax error at line 1, column 49, byte 49 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/XML/Parser.pm line 185 .

Do not worry, it does not mean your post did not work. It is, in fact, there. It’s just that when you submit a comment, it tries to rebuild all the index templates, whether they have comments or not. And I have two that rebuild, the one you are on right now of course, and the books page. It’s the 2nd one that errors out. Your comment is there, it just won’t show an accurate comment count until the main index page can be rebuilt without ending in error. ie: without the damn book page.
Now, why the book page is returning that error, I do not know. It does not happen all of the time. It happens periodically when I attempt to rebuild a page. Usually, I just keep trying. Eventually, it will rebuild successfully. No one can explain to me why this is happening. Logically, it makes no sense to me. Why the periodic parser.pm error? Huh? I asked my web hosting people and they have no idea. If it were something wrong with my template, wouldn’t you think it would happen consistently? Maybe it’s a problem with amazon.com’s site. i don’t know. But it’s making me absolutely crazy.
My friend Anastasia and I are going to take Spanish 101 at the Seattle Language Academy next quarter. We will be reimbursed by our employer, if we pass, as it’s an accredited school. I’ve been wanting to take a language for a long time, I’ve been waiting to find someone who would a: take it with me and b: be fun to practice with. And Anastasia is it! ¿Dónde está el gatito? ¡El gatito está en la cama!! ¡Yay!
