
roy g. biv

Thanks to Kevin, I’ve learned you can buy the most beautiful pre-colored iPods, that make the mini iPods look a bit silly. I was momentarily saddened that I had not learned of these before purchasing mine, but then I see I can still have mine colored, if I want. but, what I wan’t to know is, do you think my employer would be upset if I took squishy in to be colored Prowler Purple? Or Alpine Green? Or Candy Apple Red? or Midnight Blue?
it’s seriously tempting to get the iPod colored Prowler Purple, btw.


Lesson for today: Though the eyes are the window to the soul, the zipper is the window to the underwear.

I’ve been taking some personality tests, enneagram tests to be specific. I took the full $10 test, because I’m a psych geek like that. I tied for two enneagram types. Five and Seven.

Enneagramfree enneagram test

Enneagramfree enneagram test

Kind of funny, don’t you think. They are pretty different types to tie in, makes me look a wee bit bipolor. I looooooove psych tests. Hey, did you know that the etymology of psych is Greek, from psychE breath, principle of life, life, soul, Which means I have a B.A. in the study of the soul. oooooo… deep.


If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad.

A large part of the “experience,” when you buy anything from Apple, is the packaging. They are just so good! They really understand the importance, and joy, of presentation. I did it. I bought the 40 GB iPod today. And I made them update the software before I left, on the off chance I should have trouble with it. [a few people have reported trouble updating the to the latest version of iPod software]. The instructions and quick reference guide come in a white folded folder, that has one word on the front, in no larger than 14 point type, grey, it says “Enjoy.” That’s it. BRILLIANT!!
I have to go fondle it now. Read the instructions, hook it up and stuff.
