
“Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy… Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.”

Today is a happy day for me, bookwise. There is a new Tanya Huff book out, called Smoke and Shadows. It’s a bit of a spin-off from her Blood series. And Henry, who was only supposed to make a cameo, ended up with a bigger role. Not that that would have mattered to me. It could be about anything, if Tanya Huff wrote it, I’d read it. I wonder why there are not tons of websites out there, in her honor. How can you not love someone who, when asked in interview her thoughts on this year’s Stanley Cup replied that, as non-Canadian as it sounds, she didn’t watch much hockey because “I’m afraid it would cut into the time I spend memorizing my Firefly DVDs and sending mental messages to Joss Whedon: “You want me on your writing staff…” ”
I hope Joss is listening. Personally, I am sending Tanya Huff mental messages that read “you really do have more Keeper stories to tell. many many more… quit fighting it! Let them out!”


2 thoughts on ““Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy… Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.”

  1. i’ll be joining you in those mental messages to T.H. “you want to write another Keeper story. you want to write another Keeper RIGHT NOW!”

  2. jodi says:

    “tanyaaaa…. did you know that joss whedon is a big fan of the keeper series? he says he wishes there were mooooooore. pleeeeeeeese.”

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