
Nacho Minimus

There was a party going on at Wil’s house on Friday night when we got home. By Wil’s house, I mean Angi’s house, actually. Wil currently lives on the main floor with Angi and her son, but Wednesday moves up to the second floor apartment. Anyway, Wil and I were hanging out in his room, watching episodes of Firefly on dvd after the party had moved on to a new location, when we were hit with a fierce need for snackin’. Ok, I was. It was decided that it would probably be ok if we “borrowed” one of the unopened bag of chips, until we could replace them in the morning. (Which, I now remember, we never did. We owe Angi a bag of nacho cheese Doritos)

So, we are lying on the bed, watching the show, after enjoying some chips, when I hear this rustling. For whatever reason, I knew where Wil’s hands were and they weren’t in a bag of chips.

me: That’s not you, is it… eating those chips?

Wil: No.

me: then… WHO IS IT?

Wil – suddenly speaking from across the room from the chips: It’s a mouse!

me: eek! get Lorange! Call Lorgange*!

Now, I’m not afraid of mice, and neither is Wil. So why freak because there is a mouse in our chips? Besides the obvious discomfort of having mouse feet all over your food? My theory…no matter how safe you think you are inside your four walls, Nature has a way of finding a crack in the facade. Alright, sure, it was what turned out to be a very tiny, equally freaked out, mouse. But that’s not the point. It’s a reminder of the fragility of your domicile, your protection against the elements.. You never know when the wild is going to come in, with teeth and claws, and steal your chips. Or tiny beady eyes, whichever. It’s unsettling.

After we did some dancing about and wondering what we were to do about the situation, Wil snatched up the bag and put it out on the porch so the mouse could rustle his way out of the bag after eating his fill of nacho cheese goodness. We could throw the bag away in the morning. Later, Angi came home, and we heard a familiar scrunchy bag sound. Wil whooshed out of the bed and I followed to hear him explain about the Mouse Chips and telling of our dramatic battle with Nature. She pointed out it was an old house and occasionally a mouse may sneak in. Somehow, the whole thing seemed less adventuresome in the retelling. But then, maybe you just had to be there. Angi was just bummed because the Possibility of Winning an Xbox 360 game piece was gone. We all knew who took it. Dash cunning for a little mouse, eh?

*there is an old orange cat that lives in the house, who has recently decided to claim that blankets on Wil’s bed, most likely because Wil won’t allow the dogs in the room. Wil started out calling him Orange, but that has evolved to Mr. Brun L’Orange. When being formal, I say it with the intended French accent, but in the case of mouse emergencies, it’s just “lorange.” I think his real name is Roscoe.


The Official Getting Out of Town/Country on a Friday Night Rant

To save time, we should just consider the following rant to be true every time I drive to Victoria on a Friday night after work, m’kay?

The 9th circle of hell has traditionally been home to traitors, who are immersed in the frozen lake Cocytus, unless they are, of course, Cassius, Brutus or Judas…. they are forever to be chewed up by Satan… gross, eh? Anyway, I am going to start a petition to elevate traitors to the 8th circle of hell, clearing way for what I consider to be a greater sin, those who drive in the left hand land despite the fact that they couldn’t pass wind, let alone another car on the freeway. Those who knowingly disobey the signs “Keep right except to pass” or “Slower traffic keep right” will spend eternity submerged up to their necks in frozen lakewater, everything but their heads and hands, with little hell fish tickling their feet… unable to scratch or brush the little buggers away. As for Satan’s jaws, I’m keeping those free for now… I like to keep my options open… for when people really piss me off.

Come on!! Who’s with me!

That’s Friday’s drive. Sunday’s drive is all dark and cruise control, enjoying the sections of 70 mph speed limit and trying to control myself during the sections of 60 mph. Wondering how many big towns and how many little towns a quarter of a tank of gas will take me through, and connecting the dots from one outlet mall to the next Indian Casino.

I tried Native American Casino…it didn’t sound right.

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 53

Dark black inky darkness. Like my heart. Hee! That’s our theme this week. We get our hour back this weekend, and the evenings grow darker. I love it. It’s my favorite weekend of the year. [I get an extra hour in Victoria.] I’ve been waiting for my hour back since last April. I really think, considering how long I loaned it out, I should get interest, don’t you? Like an extra hour and a half maybe? Come on!

Crayon Noir

The kindergarten teacher wrung her hands in concern. The school counsellor looked worried. The principal shook his head in confusion, picking up the drawing in one hand, a black crayon worn down to a nub in the other.

“Well, I guess she’s got a bit of a dark side.”


I just can’t have nice things.

I broke my mac. Twice in the last couple of weeks, I’ve dropped it. Now it won’t stay closed. Which means, I can’t put it to sleep by closing the lid. It pops back up again. Pop.

Sigh. It’s very sad. It still works tho, there is nothing wrong with it’s insides. Only it’s outsides. It’s dented and beat up plenty. I’m hard on things, and I take it everywhere. I’m going to save up for a new mac, a mactel, most likely another laptop, but it’s going to be a while before I can afford it. Christmas is coming up and I have to think about presents for other people first. Sigh.

Whatever you do, don’t put something fragile in my hands.


First you’ve got to set the mood.

Nanowrimo is coming up. I’m worried, I admit. I’m distracted by many things this year, but I do have an idea, which is good. Although I still have not nailed down my murder. I think it might be poison.

Anyway, I make playlists when I write, sets the mood and such. I’m looking for song suggestions. My story is a mystery, with a an old school private dick named Arthur Black, and his very prim and proper personal assistant Miss Oomura. I need songs that are bit noir and dark. Anything that harkens to the 40’s is good, although it’s set in current day. Humor is also acceptable, because very there will be humor, of course.

So send me any suggestions and maybe when I am down, I’ll post the playlist.


Then and Now: Episode 36 Did you forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander, or the charisma of Rick Nielsen?

Is it guilty pleasure to love Cheap Trick? I don’t think so, Styx maybe, but Cheap Trick is awesome. I stand by the Trick. Someday, I’ll post some covers of “Surrender” which is one of my favorite songs. Or have I already? I get so confused. Anyway, it’s the truth, I’d love you guys to love me.

I Want You To Want Me – Cheap Trick.

Back when Wicked Game came out, it was my most reverent wish to marry Chris Isaak. Or at least smooch him a lot. I’ve seen him in concert so many times. Not just because of the smoochability factor, but because he puts on the best show. If I get ever get married, and I’m rich, do you think I could hire him to play my wedding? And if so, do you think I could get a smooch? For old time’s sake?

I Want You to Want Me – Chris Isaak


One thing I learned in New York…

I am not a photographer. I just sorta point the camera in a vague direction and hit the button. However, I could hardly resist taking a picture of satan, now could I?

This is Michael defeating Satan and sending him down to hell. As if. What’s the with lobster claws? I don’t know. It’s a weird statue.


Before I cropped it, my mom’s hand was in the shot (vague pointing, remember). She was in my way. She must be a bigger worshipper of satan than I.
