Canada, pru, William, work

O Canada – my home and not-so-native land?

it’s been hard for me to blog the last few weeks, because I’ve had a secret. What was on my mind I could not blog about. Not until I spoke with certain people first, took certain steps. But, it’s all good now, and so I can tell you.

I gave notice yesterday, at my POE. I’m leaving at the end of the month. End of the year, I suppose, as well. I’m moving to Canada. Ironic that I should do it now, and not in 2004, but since I’m not doing it for political reasons, I guess that doesn’t matter. Obviously, I am going to be moving in with Wil. We are looking to get a place for February 1st. And really, I could not be happier.

Moving to Victoria is a lot more complicated than moving to, say, Portland or Los Angeles. It’s a gigantic pain in the ass, to be honest. I’m doing the research, but from what I can tell, I’m going to have to inventory and price every single item I move over there. Every. Single. Item. Like I can remember how much my monkey socks cost! This is what I am going to spend January doing. Separating things into 1. Taking, 2. Storing and 3. Garage Sale. I’ve never had one, but I have some friends who might have a few things to sell, not worth an entire GS themselves, but combined I bet we’ll have a good stash.

I can’t work there, without a VISA. Luckily, I am in a situation where, if we are very careful and budgeted, I can take time off. I’m going to be… wait for it…. a HOUSEWIFE! Hahahahaha! Oh man, just thinking of it cracks me up. I don’t know… what do you think I should do with my time? Improved blogging output, for one. In fact, I hope to do a lot more writing. Learn to cook, maybe? Kick off my shoes and get pregnant? Who knows.

So… what do you think? Be prepared for much discussion of immigration and the politics of introducing Your Cat to His Cat, and Him, and a New Home, all at once, over the next few weeks.

Wil and his cat, Momo
