
Pot… the gateway drug to hardcore spamming.

I don’t know if you noticed the downtime, but I exceeded my bandwidth for the month. By the 17th of December. I never exceed my bandwidth, I’m not that popular. It was very unusual. After some frantic please to support, and some guided investigation, I found that two blogs still existed on an old install of Moveable Type, on uberbrain.com. Both of these hosted blogs have been moved over to my jodiferous.com install, as I have an unlimited author license there. However, spammers had found these vestiges and bombarded them with spam. For instance, one had 47+ thousand comments, only 19 of which were legitimate and those were from two years ago. The rest all came in in the last 30 days. This is the only thing I can find that is unusual, activity wise. So I took care of it, added a couple of gigs for the rest of the month, and we’ll see how it goes. All the spams seemed to originate from in IP in Amsterdam. Which leads me to wonder if maybe pot is more dangerous than we original thought.

Poor Amsterdam, I know you don’t all smoke pot, and I’m sorry that, for many, the first thing that pops into our heads when we think of you is pot. However, I will tell you this, I very very very much want to visit Amsterdam and I have heard nothing but glowing remarks about it, from friends who have visited. And only some of them were even interested in the pot. I’ll try hard to think of “canals” from now on, when I think of you. Or maybe Anne Frank. Possibly the red light distract.

So this is my last week at work. I’d be more excited except I’m a little drained today. I’ll be happy when this week, and the holidays, are over, frankly. I’m feeling disconnected from Christmas, even though I have tried to get into the spirit. I still have shopping to do, most of my shopping has been online. Which is great, but maybe that’s why I’m not feeling the jingle bells. I don’t even have my wrapping paper for this year. I usually pick out my wrapping paper first, I look forward to it. I’m very picky and never used left overs from last year. Picky, not frugal. But this year, I’m thinking I might just do that. Use the left overs. But, the week is not over, I still have to go to the mall, we’ll see what happens when I hit the Container Store’s Gift Wrap Wonderland.
