Canada, macs

An Apple a Day

In different circumstances, Dr. Stevil and I would have had a date last night, at the Apple store.

The new OS, OS X 10.5 aka: Leopard, was released last night. Typically, the Apple store closes for an hour or two, and reopens with great fanfare in the evening. People line up, everyone cheers and tchotchkes are distributed. According the emails I received a couple of weeks ago, there were to be free tshirts last night. Steve and I have gone to the last few OS X releases together.

Sadly, there are no Apple stores in BC. There are plenty of resellers, but the only official Apple stores are in Toronto. Stupid Toronto.*

Wonder why people line up hours ahead of time for an OS? Well, either you get it or you don’t. If you don’t, I can’t begin to explain to you the visceral pleasure of being a Mac user. Be happy in your PC use, I wish you all the best. I’m not sure I would want everyone to love the Mac the way that we faithful do. Although, one of the people on the tech show “Attack of the Show” made a disparaging remark about Apple products and I now refer to her as That British Bitch (she’s the only British one on the show, or I’d have to come up with a different Bitch label. That Brunette Bitch?) and flip the tv off when she shows up on screen. Lucky, she’s a minor feature on the show. So maybe you should be happy in your pc world, and be careful about what you say about Apple around me. I’m kinda sassy.

No, seriously, don’t even try to Apple bash with me, I find I have very strong feelings about it.

I’ll pick up a copy of Leopard later this weekend and let you know what I think. I could just save time, however, and say, right now, that it ROCKS and I LOVE IT. Because you know both are going to be true.

*it’s ok, apparently hating Toronto is a national pastime for all Canadians living in Not Toronto. I don’t know why, I’ve never been there. I’m just trying to fit in.


Bad brains

I had quite the migraine last night. Worst I’ve had in a while.

I tried all the tricks. I tried ice. I tried drinking glasses of water in case there was an issue of dehydration occurring. I tried excedrin. I tried tylenol. I tried taking a shower. Which works, but only for about 20 minutes. The secret is, you have to make yourself fall asleep right after you get out. That was where I failed. I couldn’t go to sleep.

I tried and tried to sleep. I was nauseous and shaky, all the migraine fun. I was a sad pathetic sight, all curled up alå the fetus, whimpering. So I tried crying, because my insane headache logic told me that would somehow crying would lesson the pressure in my head. A particularly loud siren woke Wil up, but he refused my request to chop off my head. He said he lacked the proper tools. His suggested snuggling, so I curled up tight against him.

Now, I don’t know if you know this, but the best headache soother in the world is a purring cat. The trick is, you have to get the cat to lie on, or around, your head. That’s tricky. When Pru was a young cat, she used to love to sleep on my head. Which is how I know this works so well.

Wil fell back asleep almost instantly, and was making soft snoring noises. From my vantage point, it sounded rumbly. I wrapped my arms tight around him and squished my head against his back.

Maybe I finally achieved the necessary saturation point of tylenol in my blood stream. Maybe my crying had actually reduced the pressure in my head. Or maybe I have discovered the human equivalent of Cat Purr Therapy, but darned if it didn’t help. It didn’t get rid of my headache by any means, but it gave me a bit of relief. I was able to loosen my hold and move my head back to my own pillow. But I stuck pretty close for the rest of the night.

I’m officially adding “snuggle my sleeping husband” to my list of headache treatments. It might be my favorite.



Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy THANKSgiving.

I’m trying. But it just won’t stick. It keeps sliding down to the floor and running away, on two legs, yelling “See you in November… after Daylight Savings ends!”

Ah well, it will take some getting used to, having two Thanksgivings. Nonetheless, there is no such thing as taking TOO much time out to be grateful for the things you have in life, is there?

Nor is there any such thing as too much pie.
