50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 39

Hello and welcome to the last 50 Word Fiction Friday of 2005. Whooo-hooo! Goodbye, 2005! Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. [2005 has been a very rough year for some of you, I know you are happy to see it go.] So, I thought the theme was a no brainer, it’s new year’s resolutions. Something I, personally, do not make because I don’t like to set myself up for failure.

Fire in the Hole

Who was she kidding, she’d never give this up? Taking the straw to her lips, she took that first sip of bubbly cold caffeinated goodness. She’d tossed this last resolution in like a grenade, knowing it’s inevitable combustion would take the others down with it. Mmmmm…. Dr Pepper.
