shopping, work

Can you keep a secret? I’m trying to organize a prison break. We have to first get out of this bar, then the hotel, then the city, and then the country. Are you in or you out?

It’s a pretty busy week. I’m not sure what that means, blogwise. I’m predicting quiet. But often, it means I write more than ever. Especially since of the “action items” on my list aren’t all that entertaining.

I went to the mall on Saturday with my cousin. It could have been much much worse. I introduced her to the joy that is the $4 valet parking. Worth. Every. Penny. We returned wedding presents at Macy’s, during which time I picked out six or seven different types of fine china. I have to say, I don’t spend a whole lot of time looking at fine china. I can’t even remember the last time I looked at any. But fine china design seems to have improved greatly in the last few years. I counted several options that featured neither flora, nor fauna. Or squirrelly curly-Q’s and patterns. Who knew.

After a lovely lunch featuring pasta and salad, we headed over to the new Container Store that just opened up. And that’s when I lost my head. And ran into my mom, for that matter. I really really love products that help you get organized. I always think, not unlike cleaning products, that this is the purchase that is finally going to do it for me. Finally, I will have all my paperwork, receipts, pay stubs, tax returns, birthday certificates, etc. filed away neatly. I’ll be able to find anything at a moments notice. A place for everything and everything in it’s place. And, just like all those cleaning products I buy, I’m let down. Turns out, no matter what bright shiny thing I buy, I still have to do the actual organizing. Nonetheless, I love these kinds of stores. The Container Store is no different than Storables, which is just down the street. With one major exception. The Gift Wrap Wonderland!

I love me some wrapping paper, christmas paper best of all. Escaping to the back storeroom to wrap customer presents was the only thing I liked to do, when I worked at Hallmark. The examples on the website do not do the Gift Wrap Wonderland justice. My first theme of papers and ribbons were all jewel tones and gold. And then I switched to something more contemporary and witty. And I was ready to switch themes again, but Kirsten would not let me. It’s just that there were sooooo many lovely papers and ribbons! I could barely stand all the wrapping paper stimuli! As we looked around the store, it went a bit like this.

*Looking at media shelving*

“I want to change my theme.”




*looking at shoe storage and sock organizers*

“I want to change my theme!”


*looking at desk chairs*

“I want to change my theme.”


*looking at stay fresh food storage systems*

“I want to change my theme.”

“Fine! Go change your theme!”

“No… I guess I’ll just stick with this.”

