movies and tv, William

It’s a pretty sweet Couch

The new couch arrived last Thursday. Getting ready for the couch was a lot like getting ready for a baby would be, I imagine. Without all the cute little clothes you get to fold and put away. And hours of intense labor pain. But in the sense that stuff that occupied space had to go away. Luckily, we finally got our promised storage locker in the basement last week.

In reality, this couch is too big for our apartment. Way too big. But, it was just too good. It was more than couch. it was Couch. In the end, we actually had to measure the walls and our desks and other furniture, and draw diagrams in Adobe Illustrator to find a way to make it work. Which resulted in conversations like this

“There, how about that.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Why don’t you like it?”

“Because… I don’t like it.”

“I understand that, but what don’t you like?”


Back to the drawing board, new layout and then reverse the positions of the debate. Finally, we found something that would work. One bookcase had to be sacrificed to the television and her accessories, one had to be moved into the bedroom, and the other remained where it was. Because, really, it’s not like we were having dance parties in our living room. What do we need with Floor Space. It’s a waste. What we needed was Snuggle Space.

Then kittens LOVE the new Couch.

One hour after the Couch arrived, a box full of books from Amazon arrived. And that, my friends, is why my posts have sucked the last four days. I’ve been pretty happily curled up on the Couch. And just when light at the end of the tunnel seems imminent, today… season 2.0 and 2.5 of Battlestar Galactica show up. Mmmm… dvd’s. We watched, prolly,10 episodes back to back this afternoon, after Wil got home from work.

We so lazy.


Then and Now: Episode 45 The Sweet Sound That Calls The Young Sailors

I should make up a new rule. Any chance I have to include Kermit the Frog in a post, I’m going to use it. He’s one of my favorite things ever.
Kermit The Frog
Look at him, how can you not be uncheered by the sight of him. I desperately want the Jim Henson Think Different Apple poster. It’s $300. I want it anyway. Amelia wants me to have it too.
Kermit The Frog – Rainbow Connection

I heard this version on a Coverville podcast, and it was just the excuse I needed to include some Kermit on my blog. Because, you know, of the new rule.
Sarah McLachlan – Rainbow Connection


pumpkin. peach. pizza. pecan…. Foods that start with the letter P

I made a pie today. I was able to do so because it has been fairly cool here lately. Upper 60’s low 70’s… I love it. I stepped outside my Pie Comfort Zone (PCZ) and made something different. I pretty much have pumpkin and pecan down pat. It’s my job to make them for Thanksgiving. But it’s not pumpkin pie season. In keeping with my P Pie theme, I made peach. I hunted the peaches down at the farmers market, skinned and butchered them myself. I did not, however, make the crust. I’m not a complete fool.

It turned out scrumdilicious. I would have taken pictures of the making and final product except… I’m no better at photography than I am cooking. Besides, my kitchen was a mess. And not in an interesting artistic way. I was cooking piles of bacon at the same time I was making pie. For bacon bits, for baked potatoes. Anyhoo, L is someone who not only cooks amazing things, but also takes fabulous pictures of what she is making. Go look at her site if you want to see pretty food.

I make up for the lack of “interesting” in my post by providing you with a nice link to another blog. See how that works?


Glow in the dark dream

I usually don’t blog about my dreams because I think people don’t really find your dreams as interesting as you do. So unless I can keep it brief, or really entertaining, I avoid it.

I’ll keep this brief.

Last night I dreamt my stepfather was still alive. His wife called me to tell me they brought him home from the hospital because he wanted to die at home. However, it was very upsetting to see him like that, so they kept the lights off. In order to see where he was, they painted him with glow in the dark paint. And I could see them as they moved his arms and legs around, that’s all you could see, as the rest of the room was pitch black.

So, what the fuck?
