
bubble on, jodi

hey dear internet friends, guess what i did for you? instead of just going home after working, and being an antisocial little shut-in, i went to a work shop at a new age bookstore. simply so i could possibly have something to write about today! i did it for you. because i am perfectly happy being a hermit. hermitess. whatever.
off topic side note: i am typing at a speed not previous experienced. i have not had THAT much dr. pepper, but my fingers are FLYING. it’s kind of scary. they are moving at 45rpm.
back on topic.so voyager tarot’s dr. wanless was in back in town. i mentioned that earlier… that he’d be here.
you know, off topic again, my blog is out of control, i can no longer easily find old entries to link back to them. it’s been over a year now. i need some kind of category system. i imagine i could spend some hours not working at work, assigning categories to my entries.
back topic. evildeb was not in town to go with me, and so we couldn’t’ get drunk ahead of time. so i would have to go alone. but i was feeling kinda guilty about the drunk thing, and i didn’t attend the last workshop, (see above feelings about drunkenness. ) so i decided to go. it was a much smaller class and i think evildeb would have enjoyed it much more. even sober. it was more interactive. i’m sorry she wasn’t’ there. because at one point, i was asked to work with the person next to me. now, those of you who know me, know i don’t really read tarot cards. i just like them. i get readings from james [dr. w.] every couple of years, because he’s so proactive and positive. and not really about the fortune telly stuff. but i don’t’ read other peoples cards. i use them for myself. i will, however, pull cards and have conversations about them. but i don’t really do readings.
and, those of you who know me, know that i am somewhat of an introverted extrovert. and the last year has been much more about self reflection, and less about other people. so selfish! so how am i supposed to look at a card, and look at this stranger, and have any feelings about what that card means for them? seriously, this is something i could have done two years ago. but things are different now, and so am i. i’ve pulled in. so i just sat there, in my way, looking at the card, and looking at this very nice woman, who’s name i have forgotten, babbling. she said, “go ahead, i can see you are just bubbling over with stuff to say.” and she’s right, i am. but nothing about her. i took her card and immediately thought about what that card would mean to me. see what i mean? it sounds so selfish, which i write it. if deb were there, or anyone else i knew remotely, i would have been able to have some thoughts about the card. but whatever sensors you possess, to pick up on other people’s energy, are at half power for me right now.
james came over and we started talking about my card, and what she saw in it for me. much more interesting to me, of course. the question was, put ubersimply, what path do you need to take to achieve a sense of WHOLE. and my card? the hermit of course!! now see, can you understand why i can’t pick up on other people’s shit, if i am supposed to be shutting out worldly distractions? hello? anyways, me me me… the moon at the top of that card is a harvest moon, which james said can also mean a time of great creation, especially in this fall season. so i told them about NaNoWriMo. more lovely discussion about me.
however, then he wanted to know what i saw in her card. which was, the moon. and i tried to explain my lack of insight [pls. refer to my card, people, the hermit.] but the nice woman again mentioned my bubbliness. and james seemed to concur. so i said, “bubble on, jodi” making a little xena joke. cracked myself up. bubble on, jodi. and hence the title of today’s scattered blog entry.
in the spirit of last nights class, i’d like to provide you with a soundbyte of my april 2000 reading with james, in which he calls me an alien and i giggle like a school girl and then explain to him i am a supergenius.
bubble on, indeed.
