
I’m having a birthday party, but you’re not invited, but you can come if you want.

today was a pretty good day. i had brunch, which i love. i got presents, which i also love, and my mom made me a peach pie. yet another thing i love. but ti’s 7pm, and i am still full from all the norwegian pancakes i ate.
so i was playing around online. and long story short, i came to a blog written by another jodi. and i found it very entertaining and honest, and she had lots of people who obviously enjoyed her blog, because she had lots of comments. i thought i might post a link to her blog on mine. that gave me an idea. maybe i should post a list of links, to blogs by other jodis. so i did a search, and i found another one, by a jodi in new york city. i spent some time reading her blog. and just like you’d expect, she’s witty and funny and smart and sarcastic and opinionated. she’s very jodi.
here’s the problem. i don’t like her. i mean, she all those things listed above, and her blog is very entertaining. but i really don’t like her. or, to be more precise, i don’t like the person that is represented on her blog. which i have been instructed to call her “site” as she hates the word blog. [not me personally, anyone referring to her blog is to do so]. i think she’s… snobby. and kind of mean. and sometimes that comes across as funny, and sometimes it comes across as arrogant. and again, snobby. i was very conflicted by this. she’s talented, funny, smart, witty… and yet, i don’t like her. wouldn’t want to meet her. i’m disappointed. and while i think i’ll continue to occasionally read her blog, i’m not going to link to it. i had it all set up, it was actually up and posted, under Other Jodiblogs. until i read the part about not calling it a blog. and that was the final straw. because i had a picture in my miind of the blogjodi getting mad at me for calling it a blog. and ignoring the fact i thought highly enough of it to list it, along with dr. frank and wil wheaton. so.. i can’t link it. i don’t like her. i admire her talent, but that’s not enough. she, too, has lots of admirers, although at some point, the option to comment disappeared on her blog. and i couldn’t help but think that she just couldn’t be bothered. a flat out assumption on my part, but i only have what she writes to form impressions of her. i don’t know… i feel bad for not liking her, you know? can someone explain that to me?
however, there is another jodi, the first one i mentioned. and if you want to check out her blog, you can do so here. ithe other jodi? feh, go find her yourself.
