
Yeah! Let’s go get sushi and not pay.

i did four loads of laundry and that’s not even the tip of the iceberg baby. that’s just all the darks. minus any black. the blacks warrant a load or two all their own. yes, i have not done significant laundry in a while. plus, i have a lot of sheets. i have a slight bedding addiction.
since i found the cord to my digital camera, here are two pictures from the conveyor belt sushi place. click image to enlarge:

evildeb’s pile of sushi plates. the colors represent the different prices. which were listed on the wall. that’s evildeb’s evil hand with the chopsticks.

sushi going ’round and ’round and nobody eating it until it gets bad and poisonous. but that’s just my concern. i have no proof.


You caught me. I’m a laundry virgin.

hello and welcome to my day off! don’t get too excited, i’m doing laundry. and i have soooo much laundry. i’m going to do a mountain of it today, and that won’t even be half. it won’t even be a third. because i have a mountain range of laundry to do. i’ve been using dirty laundry to carpet my bedroom. it’s soft and squishy. but i don’t have enough baskets to take all the laundry i have to the laundrymat. which is where i am going. so i’ll have to go back later this week, in the evening. but… first things first.
yesterday, i picked a card to represent my next year. this is in addition to the card i automatically get, just by having my birthday. we’ll discuss that card later. but here’s the card i got for the year:

Sage of Worlds: Master
Through experience, you have mastered your craft Because you know how the wheels turn in the world, you have mastered the wheel of fortune. As the master of your art, you see your reflection in your work. Perform your trade and fulfill your responsibilities impeccably. Use your worldly life to cultivate your inner character. Engage in “right livelihood” of living healthy, wealthy, happy and holy.
Through your knowledge and the quality of your efforts, you achieve power and status, symbolized by the crown and elk horns. Though king of the mountain, nevertheless be humble, modest and share of your wealth. As one who is fully established, relax in your work, play at it and enjoy it. Take time out to pursue your hobbies, get energized, be with your friends and follow a spiritual path.

pretty cool, huh?
see ya later!
