
Then get over it. I mean that in a sensitive way.

yesterday i received an email from someone in a yahoo group i belong to, accusing me of nefarious activities such as driving some members away, and stealing others for my own personal agenda. and it really really shocked me, the animosity of it. not to mention, just the fact that someone thought i was doing these things. i was just as sorry to see the departing member leave as anyone else. and i’d be very sorry if i had anything to do with it. but i honestly don’t think my off topic agenda could be the sole cause of it. i don’t know… maybe i was the straw that broke the camel’s back. but my intentions were innocent. i was merely sharing something i thought would be of interest to others. the details aren’t important, the fact is… the email shocked me and made me feel rotten. and a little bit like i was in jr. high. i did answer back. i probably should have ignored it. but that need to defend oneself reared up… and i replied. and it didn’t make me feel any better.
the reason this is interesting to me, besides the fact it’s about ME for pete’s sake, is that i am currently reading a book called “Entre nous : a woman’s guide to finding her inner French girl.” i saw this book months ago in barnes and noble. and it kind of made me laugh. and it intrigued me. so i put it on my hold list at the library. and i just got it the other day. it was a very very popular book. now see, from what i’ve read so far… a french girl would have laughed “haHA” and that email, and gone about her business. because she is not overly concerned with other people’s opinions. she is concerned with being herself. she would not have replied, but she would have said, “Vous Ítes une petite anomalie. Ne me tracassez pas avec vos avis” and drawn a bubble bath. i got the bubble bath part right. i just need to remember the “you are a little bug. do not bother me with your opinions” part.
but in actuality, i’m scottish, irish, swedish and norwegian. and i’m more apt to go verbal romper stomper on her ass. but i didn’t. i was calm. because i’m also DUTCH!

Chef Monkey with Berry Pie. 2003.
