
if this isn’t a hint to get outside for a while…

i don’t know what is.
i often listen to movie scores at work. i can have my headphones on, and block out distractions, but it doesn’t distract me from whatever i am researching. so, i just said i am in a crappy mood, right? i put on my headphones, and what is the live365 movie score station playing at this exact moment? schinlier’s list. now, if you are in a blue mood, do NOT listen to this movie score. it’s not going to help. i need something like… the score to superman.


Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We’ve all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker.

i’m in a pretty crappy mood. i’m trying to snap out of it, but i’m not having much success. i will say, i felt pretty happy when i put on my new coat this morning. it’s not really gortex, cuz those coats are really expensive. it’s not for the snow, it’s for everyday misty seattle winter crap. but i like it. yesterday was a very blustery day, which i enjoyed, the likes kept flickering and i am sure there are fallen tree branches everywhere this morning. but i tried on my new coat and it was THE PERFECT COAT for the day. so it was a good choice.
however, even the perfect coat cannot improve my mood. i had a bad writing weekend. and it put pinpricks in my fragile faith balloon. and it’s not even november 1st. maybe i’m trying too hard. maybe because each of the three things i tried were not in my voice. [outline, synopsis, and jacket blurb] i don’t know. i’ll pass on the actual outline. it’s in my head. so is the synopsis, btw. it was an excellent little synopsis. but it won’t come out of my brain. and i think i am having the same trouble with the blurb as i do with my technical/professional writing. the minute i try to write with someone else’s style guide, i freeze up. it’s no wonder i spent more of my time working on web projects and drawing monkeys.
speaking of web projects, there is a new, updated, list of ¸berblogs over to the left. i’ve added kam, who has yet to name her blog. she is out of town, but i expect great things from her. and lonnie, who, like the super genius he is, has already posted to it. that’s why we love lonnie. also, i’ve added wicked’s blog under ¯therblog’s. wicked is part of my nanowrimo writing group, SGNMFOS. which, again, i’ll explain what that stands for, when i complete the graphic. anyway, we had a nice time chatting on saturday evening. mostly about me, and stuff i’ve done. wheeee!
i think i’m going to need macaroni and cheese from whole foods hot food dept. for lunch. it’s that kind of day. and a jamba juice.
see ya!
