
quizzies from loon…

stealing is fun. so i’m stealing from loon this evening.

How Would YOU Take Over the World?

Sad rock! O.o
You are the depressed rock!
i love the zoloft rock!! i tried to get a prescription to zoloft cuz i like that rock so much. but i guess zoloft doesn’t do much for allergies.

You are an Old Soul!
You are an old soul writer–neither a pantser (who
writes by the seat of her pants) nor a plotter
(who plots out a book before writing it).
You’re a person who values serendipity and
spontaneity, but also realizes the benefit of
having an idea where a story is going before
you write it. You may make up an outline or
have a plan for a book, and write something
totally different, but that’s OK. You’re not
comfortable writing without having at least
some idea of where the story is going, but you
also like the freedom to change the story from
what you originally planned. You’re a born
writer who realizes the value of serendipity.

What Kind of a Writer Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i am old soul. i have lived many previous lives. in one life, i was a tadpole, i just know it. i have tadpole type thoughts.
seriously tho… remind me to tell you about the time i won a free “past life regression” session sometime.

What Irrational Number Are You?
You are π

Of all the irrational numbers, you are the most famous. You have many friends and fans. Like many people, non-Euclidean geometry makes you feel uncomfortable. You are involved in so many things that it seems like it would take two of you to make ends meet.

You are particularly close to the rational number 22/7. However, you and e have been called “remarkable.”

Your lucky number is approximately 3.14159265

Shiny Lemur
Straif’s Blog

pie? i LOVE pie! save your fork, there’s pie!!


4 thoughts on “quizzies from loon…

  1. jodi says:

    no. it’s not very threatening. but it’s hardly surprising, fee. but who knows, maybe you could take over the world by giving everyone a bunny!

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