
I’m not gonna make the same mistakes you did. I’ve been doing my homework, reading books ‘n stuff.

i’m on vacation!! i’m on vacation!!
you know, i was thinking about it, and i cannot remember the last time i had a solid week off. i think it was last christmas. i’ve been taking days here and there, but i haven’t had a whole week off. i’m even taking an extra day, monday dec. 1st. i marked out this PTO time in august. i’ve been waiting forever to be on vacation. and i worked my tail off today, getting my list of to-do’s done. which is good, because people were starting to comment on the tail.
so, lots of writing to be done this week. gotta put my nose to the grindstone. or, as dr. stevil and i decided, i have to put my nose to the rhinestone. because that sounds prettier. so instead of writing, i came home and added a Currently Reading booklist like loon’s. i’ve always been jealous of her. i want to be just like her if i grow up. not when. if.
and, in other news, louise set up her blog. you should go over there and look at the pretty jewelry she makes. such an artist!! i’m hoping she soon puts up pictures of her newly adopted cats. one’s name is fred, and the last i heard, the other one’s name might be daphne. her website is called vratch, but i can’t remember what that means. i’m going to link to it anyway!!
