
I got it, I got it. I know your damn words, right?

well, i bet you are wondering how i did on nanowrimo. truth is, i think iím almost done. of course, the other truth is, after the first 30k, everything started falling apart and i was just typing words for word count sake. i even retold stories from my blog, last night. i stayed up until about 3:30 am. i went back and read a bunch of my old blog entries, and then retold them. part of me feels like iím cheating, because i already wrote those stories. but then, part of me says ìfuck off! so iím using ideas from past stories? they are my words and i am retyping them!î which is true. and nothing comes out the same way when you write it a second time. i can tell you, there is not a single word in my story that did not come from me. as a matter of fact, i am writing this blog entry in my story now. why? because i donít have time to waste words, people! and like i said, the story has pretty much fallen apart. iím ok with that, iím going to continue on with it, but iíve made some changes, and i have some new ideas. iím going to write the whole damn thing, believe me. and iíll probably use some of my stories from the blog, changed to fit into lucyís world. write what you know, right? thatís what life experiences are for.
things iíve learned:

  • i love to write.
  • i want to write for a living.
  • you have to write every day. donít take too many days off in a row, in the middle of a story, youíll lose your flow.
  • as crappy as you think something is, while you write it, when you go back and read it, you find itís not crap at all.
  • characters really do take over the story, and decide what is going to happen. i thought it was cliche, but itís not.
  • just because you donít want any romance in the story, does not mean that lucy is going to listen to you.
  • sometimes, characters change their names halfway through the book.
  • and, again, i love to write. i think that maybe, itís possible, that just maybe i might eventually get to do it for a living. you never know. stranger things have happened.