50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Vol. IV

This week’s 50 word fiction theme is inspired by my little brother, and my search referral phrases. Ever since I told you the story of going to “fucking Nova Scotia“, I get several Nova Scotia search strings a day. Yesterday’s crop gave me the following theme: your story should include vasectomies and Nova Scotia. Now, if you think that you can’t fit both in a story, that’s ok. But you only get the super extra gooey chocolate chippy bonus points if you have both. And you want the super extra gooey chocolate chippy bonus points, don’t you? Of course you do.

This means you, J.J.

“So, where is he?” she demanded, her frenzied packing halted while she listed to the voice on the phone. “Well, he’s sadly mistaken if he thinks Nova Scotia is far enough away. Wait until I get my hands on him!! I made it very clear … NO VASECTOMIES UNTIL 2013!!”
