
Comment problems

Weird comment problems on all my blogs. You may receive “precondition failed” errors. That means you used a naughty word like “sexy.” I’m working on getting it fixed.

The first bookclub selection has been chosen, over at Satan’s Bookclub. I’ve also added two mail lists for bookclub info and review announcements. Check it!

If you would like to participate in tomorrow’s 50 word fiction, please do! A challenge has been issued, however. The story must use the word “prurient.”


There is normal, and then there is Evildeb

A comment from DrinkJack reminded me to tell you where EvilDeb is right now.

“>Secure facility, hummmm, there should be video of this. EvilDeb, can you get it?”

No, Jack, she cannot get video, she is not at work. She is at Disneyland, with AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie and MoreThanSlightlyEvilJacob. A.C.G.T.E.U.EvilMaggie’s primary daycare providers, her grandparents, are in Africa. So Lloyd and Evildeb each took some time off, to take turns caring for her day. Lloyd took a week and two days off. He took Maggie to Enumclaw. Evildeb took three days off, she had to go to Disneyland.

Last week, we had a chat that when something like this:

Evildeb: I want to GO somewhere when I am at home with Maggie.

Jodi: Like where? The zoo? Orcas Island? The mall?

Evildeb: like disneyland.

Jodi: ha! well sure, but….

Jodi: besides, you were just there.

Evildeb: last september.

Jodi: yeah, exactly. and you went to vegas.

Evildeb: in january.

Jodi: yeah, exactly. I am sure there is lots of stuff you can find to do to keep you busy for three days.

<Evildeb: maybe 🙁

And I thought that was it, she would come up with a rational, less costly plan. But no. Our girl simply cannot be idle. And anywhere else is better than wherever she is. I suppose she also wanted sunshine. But the sun is shining here, right now. She flew M.T.S.EvilJacob out from college to join them, as well.

But I enjoy this trait in Evildeb. It makes me seem relatively sane, financially. I try to reciprocate by wigging out in different ways for her, that make her feel better about herself, as well.


Top 25 search keywords for

I’m taking out the boring ones, like “i,” “a,” and “the.” I am also x’ing out some letters of a popular talk radio jock I hate, but shows up on the top search keywords every damn month.

  1. pussycat
  2. faster
  3. banana
  4. likxs
  5. tom
  6. type
  7. red
  8. rejected
  9. sex
  10. sexy
  11. porn
  12. girls
  13. squishy
  14. agent
  15. provocateur
  16. fuck
  17. pictures
  18. tape
  19. babysitter
  20. jodi
  21. mp3
  22. love
  23. make
  24. download
  25. baby

Sexy Banana! You’ve got to ask yourself, “what does that say about me?”


Thanks for the koi, Fee

My goodness but I am sore today. My first meeting of the day was at 8am, on the other side of the building. I was late. I could not be made to move faster than a gentle stroll. I have another meeting in 23 minutes, which I am hoping I can participate in from the floor, where I will be lying. Jeez’m rice, how was I supposed to know that I was going to be doing pilates? I am looking forward to getting my ball next week, as I think I’d enjoy using it as a desk chair and bouncing up and down all day, bouncing is almost as fun as spinning, which is a close second to rocking back and forth, in terms of “things to do when sitting in an office chair that won’t get you fired and yet keep you from going out of your mind.”

I don’t even have anything interesting to say, today. I am too sore to be entertaining. I’m going to try some of that Arnica cream when I get home. But I can’t even reach all my sore places. I’m going to have to stop, on the way home for the vodka, Kailua and cream. Because I know that THAT will reach everywhere. Isn’t there an “h” in kailua somewhere?
