Amelia, macs, work

You’re playing golf and you’re going to like it!

Jeez’m rice but the new 2.3 version of Ecto is gorgeous! I don’t know if any of you bloggers use a third party blogger aps to write your posts, if not, you should check out Ecto. I’m sorry, but when good applications get better, and prettier, I get all warm and mooshy inside. It’s got this beautiful new Amazon button! Something I used to do by hand… oh dear, I’m drooling all over myself. I’m such a geek. I am truly, honestly giddy right now. There is just so much… software beauty coming out right now. Adobe Creative Suite 2, Ecto 2.3, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger…. I just want to lick Tiger.

Now that you are disgusted and repelled by my übergeekiness, let me tell you my new favorite search string, “What influences do Mexican Foods have on Nova Scotia.” How random is that? Unfortunately, I am sure they did not get the answers they were seeking from me. Now, I must ask that someone stop me from constantly looking at the search strings!! Seriously, it’s becoming compulsive. I have no self control. Someone needs to take me in hand. I mean, good luck in doing that, but still… someone should at least try. I think Amelia is worried about me. Although yesterday we were both cracking up because the monkee was telling a golf story.

“Golf… naturally. I bet he has tiny little golf clubs.”

