evildeb, tshirts, work


I was listening to Prince on the way to, and from, work. Which makes me want to unpack those boxes of cd’s and find some funk.

You know, I’m not really #6 for “good spanking.” If you follow the search link, it would definitely appear that I was. But a fresh google shows that I am not. I don’t know what I was thinking. How on earth could I be #6? With all the spanking websites out there? Ridiculous. Yes, sure, I’m a little bit disappointed… but hey, people find me by looking up “boobies” as well. And that’s something. Hardly surprising considering what I was talking about, when I first started this blog. Hooray for boobies!!*

I was in training all day again today. It was pretty interesting. I’m not going to bother telling you what it was a about. Technical stuff. I was late to work. I thought training started at 8:30, but no… started at 9. So, officially, I was ok. Mostly, during training, I was a smart ass. Mostly. It’s my job. Someone has to be the comic relief. And I just can’t help it! It’s a compulsion. People expect it of me. There is just so many things that need commenting on, you know? Luckily, the trainer seemed to appreciate the irreverent humor of my team. Not that it would have stopped us, if he had not. So immature.

It’s a beautiful day here, in the low 70’s. Which freaks Evildeb the hell out, because she is not outside. Despite the fact that she suffers from the SAD, really nice sunny days only seem to piss her off and make her crabby. I knew that whole SAD thing was a hoax. [Look Deb, it’s sunny out, it’s going to be 74 degrees, you have NO RIGHT to be pissy!!] We had pizza for lunch, out in the courtyard. It was lovely. And an ice cream man drove down the street between the waterfront and plaza buildings. Which is an excellent sign of good things to come. I would have worn the short pants, but I nicked myself shaving. Bad. Like, a quarter size nick. And it would not quit bleeding. In fact, I passed out due to blood loss. That’s why I was sorta late to work.

My grandmother is currently dying, or going through the slow process of dying. She’s 90, and has many health problems. She’s deteriorated a great deal, since my granddad died. Right now, she has pneumonia, on top of her emphysema, her lungs are filling up with fluid, and she is getting less and less oxygen. She’s too weak to cough. She is semi-lucid, but can’t use her right hand, or control her bodily functions, but is eating. Every hour she gets a tiny bit worse. II’m getting a couple of updates a day, and it seems like I am just waiting to hear she has passed. It leaves me with a sick feeling in my stomach. I so want her to go peacefully. This doesn’t sound peaceful to me. My uncle says she is aware of what is going on, that she is in the hospital, what is happening with her lungs. I imagine she knows she is dying. I wonder if she welcomes it, if she’s impatient to get it over with. Her husband and her youngest son passed on before her, I imagine she wants to join them. In that country club in the sky. I have to admit, I wish she could sleep peacefully, she’s not able to rest right now, because of the coughing and fluid in her lungs. I wish she could sink in to a deep restful sleep and let go. I don’t want her to live like this. Nobody should have to live like this. So I have that weird feeling, the one where I know I can’t really plan anything over the next week, because I might be going to Arizona any day. But… I had that same situation/feeling with Granddad, and he hung on for months.

Phase One of the big project at work is completed. Months and months of planning and work, done. And I’ve decided that I have not spent enough time in Barnes and Noble lately. Grabbing a big pile of books, and sitting in a comfy chair to browse through them. So that is definitely a plan for the weekend. I deserve books. Phase Two of the big project is now to begin. I call that the cleaning up phase. Busy, but not like Phase One.

*Don’t forget, you too can have your own “Hooray for Boobies!” t-shirt. Never in my life have I had more comments on anything I wear. Girls love it, guys love it, cats, dogs, bunnies and squirrels love it too!

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Vol. III

Death of a Salesman
ìHey, man, I guess we are playing phone tag. I got your email, so did everyone else since you ccíd almost the entire company. Ha-ha-ha! Not necessary, guy, I am your main contact here, just shoot me a …î
ìWhat? he said to shoot him! So I did!î

This week’s challenge is to include some aspect of the sales industry. The nice thing about making up the challenge is I can write what I want, and then issue a challenge I’ve already met! Next week, someone else can issue the challenge first, if you like. We’ll talk about that next week.
