
I want to eat your face. It could just be so yummy. I’d like to have your face, in my tummy.

I was in training all day, I did not spend a single minute at my desk. During one of the breaks, KK and I were walking across the street from the plaza building to the waterfront building. We were on the sidewalk, next to a giant dumpster, that has a long chute stretched up to the 2nd floor. They are doing construction up there. In her hand, she held one of the coveted Lemon Bars from upstairs. These things are very very good. I was about tell her about the Lemon Bar addiction that Louise and I went through, for about three weeks, when all of the sudden a heard of joggers came towards us. About twelve young men, all in very good shape, the majority of them with no shirt on, surrounded us and jogged past.
"Oh those lemon bars areare… lemon and the … yummy…goodness….uh…. oh my!"
“When you tell this story, be sure to mention how most of them had their shirts off.”
“Oh, I will.”
