
Sticking it in your woofer, baby.

hey kids. Just spoke to my little brother, he’s doing great! I can’t believe how well he’s doing. What a lucky boy. First, for having me as a sister. And then second for that whole doing great after having a truck smash into his fragile vegan bones and knock him out of the crosswalk, down the street and through the door of a 7-11. But mostly for having me as his sister. Speaking of 7-11… a slurpee sounds good right about now.

So, I’m just working on Marie’s blog redesign and SBC and listening to Shake the Shack on KEXP. I wish I wish I wish that their stream fed the title and artist to iTunes. So I could hit the little iTunes button in Ecto and let you know I am listening to Girls On Dope by Sonoramic Commando. Man, I love Shake the Shack.

Anyway, yes, working on websites. So feel free to come bug me online if you are around. If you hurry, you can head over to KEXP and listen to Little Ramona (Gone Hillbilly Nuts) by BR5-49. Or just go listen to one of the archived shows.

Now send me funny things. I need funny things.

Intruder by the Surfcoasters

MP3 File


4 thoughts on “Sticking it in your woofer, baby.

  1. I’m pretty sure that the accident your brother had was God’s way of saying “Vegan, Shmegan: I’ll take you out regardless of your stance on meat, so have a quarter pound big-bite hot dog with chili and cheese and put some meat on them bones!”

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