
Don’t hate me because I’m speechless

How disappointed would you be in me, if I failed to complete the NaNoWriMo challenge this year? I’m just not writing anything. I’ve been doing a lot of Not Writing. Spending hours at it, really. Every night, I come home from work, change out of my binding party clothes and into my geek butt yoga pants – which you would think would be inspirational, wouldn’t you? – and sit down on the couch with the laptop and Not Write. I spent hours on Sunday Not Writing. It’s somewhat painful, actually.

I’m not giving up yet… I’m just saying. I might not win this year. Don’t keep your hopes too high, but it’s never over until November 30th at 11:59 pm PST.

I’m going to make cookies now. By the way, I can not recommend highly enough, the geek butt yoga pants, they are übercomfortable.


Ride the rainbow to happiness

Yesterday morning, when I started my car, the radio came on in the middle of a commercial about a magical place. A place so wonderful it had unicorns and rainbows and marzipan forests or some such craziness. it was way over the top, I thought it was either a commercial about a christmas store, or car insurance. But no, this magical place? Canada! It’s true! it’s for a website called

I told some friends about this commercial, and, honestly, most people did not believe me. They said, “you are just looking for an excuse to visit Canada!”

But I told them I don’t need an excuse to visit Canada, I have tons of ’em and I can visit any old time I want. Besides, as an American who lives only a couple of hours from the border, I have the default, built in excuse… Tylenol 3. Not that I would bring that back. I’m more apt to bring back smarties. They are such pretty colors.

But then, I heard the commercial again today. And I learned that, in addition to unicorns, there are faeries and gingerbread houses and a sea of gumdrops and marzipan! And all you have to do to get there is ride the Rainbow of Happiness! This is fabulous! I’m so excited.

However, I want to know… where are said unicorns? I have been to Vancouver several times. I’ve seen not a one. Tell me, Canadian friends… where do you keep the unicorns? Perhaps in the mystical and far away Nova Scotia? I think my friend Elle would tell me if she had unicorns in Nunavut. She’d at least send a picture.
