music, work

Second Tuesday in November

Today is the day when good boys and girls, in the United States, go out and vote. All sorts of fun stuff on the ballots today. Including a new mayor for Seattle, although I don’t get to vote for that, I am not registered in the city of Seattle. In celebration of election day, my neighborhood senior citizen philosopher has changed his Placemat Platitude. Unfortunately, it’s a repeat.

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” ~ Abe Lincoln

I had a rock in my hand, and I was getting ready to throw it at his window, yelling “Hey… old man! We’ve seen that one before!” but then I noticed he added a festive little “Vote!” banner, at the bottom. At a jaunty angle. So, ok… this time we’ll let it go.

All of you… go do what you’re told and vote!

I bought this cd today:

Kate Bush: Aerial

I’ve just started listening to it, but so far, I love it.

Oh, one more thing, I had to borrow a Windows laptop for some seminar thing I was participating in. Yay. I left my desk and found the following note when I returned:

Dear Mr Alien,

Please bring back my friend Jodi as soon as possible and remove the Jodi-look-a-like impostor you left in her place.

I’m on to you, Mr. Alien, you may think you are really clever and that the substitution was flawless. But you made one huge, fatal, mistake – Ha! PC laptop!!

Bring back Jodi – remove the clone and we’ll say no more about it.

Yours sincerely, Louise, Alien Clone Sub Spotter Extraordinaire


PS: The cheese pie detail almost fooled me. Nice.
