evildeb, macs

Evildeb falls down into a burning ring of fire

Evildeb has a new love. A new all consuming love. For Johnny Cash. She wants to have his babies, although she knows he is dead. Which makes it difficult. She now speaks to me primarily in lyrics. From Johnny Cash songs. She says it won’t last forever, but I am still a little worried. She’s been pretty stressed lately. She kept telling me that she got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout. I don’t even know what a pepper sprout is. Luckily, she has next week off. Hopefully, she’ll sit quietly and let her brain relax. Although I doubt it.

Just so you know, as I write these words, I am watching them appear on my brand new 23″ Apple Cinema Display. They look gorgeous! Later, I’ll write the words on my brand new 15″ Powerbook! But I am currently in the process of setting it up.

Jodi bought herself some presents today!

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 33

Continuing on through the seven deadly sins, today’s theme is gluttony. Sorry I am late in getting the FWF up this morning. Please refer to last week’s sin Sloth.


He looked up at me with those soft brown eyes, to sleepy to even raise his head. I put my hand on his rounded tummy and gave it a rub and he gave a grateful tail wag.

“Gluttonous little puppy, you see what happens when you eat an entire ham?”
