
Christine says I’m cute when I am PMSey

I am annoyed. The stupid windows laptop I brought home from work will not connect to my wireless network. I’ve tried. I can’t get it to work. Therefore it is both annoying and retarded. I am not retarded, the laptop is. It can just fuck right the hell off!! All I wanted to do was play a little online poker with William, obviously I would be doing the winning. That’s all I wanted. But most, ie: 99% of online poker sites are not mac compatible. Including the one he plays on. Therefore, they are also annoying and retarded. Not William, the online poker sites. The fact that they are not mac compatible makes them retarded and elitist and fucked up and I hate them.

I felt the need to express my anger. I would strongly suggest that no one leave a comment telling me to get a pc so I can play poker. I am not the one who needs to change in this world. It’s them. They know who they are. Fuckers.


Barnes and Noble therapy

Boys, you might want to avert your eyes right about now. I’m going to bring up a girly topic. Ladies, am I the only one who combats cramps with buying dvd’s, cd’s or books. Or, in the case of this weekend, all three? It doesn’t really work. But it gives you something to do when you are lying about the house, lamenting your fate and taking Alieve. I imagine most girls go for shoes. Not me. I head for Barnes and Noble.

The books I bought:

“House of Leaves” (Mark Z. Danielewski)

My cousin was reading this the last time I went to visit her. It’s supposed to be scary. I’ll let you know. I haven’t started it yet.

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time ” (Mark Haddon)

“Darkly Dreaming Dexter” (Jeff Lindsay)

I’m reading this one cuz Chris from rude cactus read it and I want to be just like him when I grow up. The hero is a serial killer. Creepy!
